Thursday, July 12, 2007

People too must be responsible for their security

V K Chin's Comment in the Star on 12.7.07 said that JB people expect policeman to be guarding every street or even every house. This, I don't think is true.

The security situation in JB was quite bad untill recently. Snatching of handbags, extortion of valuables, break-ins and rapes are quite rampant. The first two crimes are conducted openly and in broad daylight. I was in a police station reporting a snatch thief case some time ago. In the same room, there were at least three other people making reports on snath thieves. Isn't that bad?

I don't think JB residents expect the town to be completely free of crimes. However, when you don't feel safe to walk in the streets in town in the day, then there is a problem. We only want the police to be more conspicious so that would be crimminals are deterred from committing their crimes. Don't let them think that this place is lawless. Reduce the incidences of crimes.

The other aspect the police has to work hard on is solving the crimes. Bring the criminals to book. One criminal booked is one less on the street. The efficiency in solving the cases will also be a deterrent to other bad hats.

Increase the police force so that these two objectives are met. As to the actual numbers needed, the top management of the force should know. Mr. Chin cannot be of any help here too.

Self help is a good idea. Rukun Tetangga was implemented in the early 80s. However, it was found to be not too effective. Only break-in cases were reduced. Also, there is a cost involved in the scheme. All employees were given a day off after their overnight duty. The cost involved must have been found to outweigh the benefits and the scheme was stopped after some time.

The police cannot be in a no-win situation. They must always be in a win-win position. Otherwise, the criminals will rule and it will be a sad day for the country. Any success by the police must be appreciated. But, there should not be a case of a medal for each crime solved. After all, it is their job to look after security.

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